ICI has been offering top-quality training for over a decade

In 2005, the Institute for Competitive Intelligence introduced a rigid quality management system to ensure the top-quality of our workshop offering. Since then, we have managed to maintain a constant average evaluation rating from our attendees of about 4.5 (out of 5).

Thorsten Bill, Quality Manager of the ICI comments: “In 2016 we had an outlier. One workshop was rated well below average. But we take immediate action on any complaints or drops in quality. In 2017, all workshops were rated well above 3.5 again, which is our absolute stop line for all trainers. The average rating in 2017 was 4.4, which means that all categories achieved top ratings, e.g. the competence of our speakers was rated 4.7 and the venues were rated 4.3.”

This might sound like a breeze, but there is a lot of work involved to maintain these ratings. We constantly track and improve upon all aspects of our training services. In 2017, we completed a total of 29 improvement projects, e.g. implementing Moodle as a learning platform and updating our workshop contents with new case studies.

Additionally, our quality system is audited on a yearly basis by an external auditor and ISO 29990-certified. This means our attendees can rely 100% on the trans¬parency of our education offering, continuously optimized processes, and a top-notch learning experience, including a highly competent faculty.

Finally, we are happy to announce Rainer Michaeli as Speaker of the Year 2017 based on our attendee evaluation. Rainer Michaeli conducted 29 workshops on 4 continents in 2017.
We want to thank all participants for their feedback via our evaluation sheets. This enables us to constantly improve and develop our training services!




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