Interview with Jonathan Calof: The Future of Competitive Intelligence - Adapting to Change

 In a recent interview, Jonathan Calof, author and Competitive Intelligence expert, discussed the current state of the profession. 

He emphasized the need for professionals to collaborate with related areas within their organizations to adapt to changing markets, technology, and work environments. Additionally, Calof shared insights from his latest book: "Gaining Market Insights from Events – A lifetime journey."



Why did the competitive intelligence community fail to create more awareness for its profession?

CalofThe Competitive Intelligence community has failed to effectively communicate its importance within organizations, despite the fact that this is vital for any organization. As a result, other disciplines such as Foresight and Futurist communities, Collective Intelligence, and Market Insight have emerged and gained popularity. These groups have not directly competed with Competitive Intelligence but have rather grown in response to demand for a better understanding of the competitive environment. However, Competitive Intelligence professionals have not aligned themselves with these related disciplines, missing the opportunity to make the most of each approach within organizations.

What is the Body of Knowledge of competitive intelligence and why is it important to competitive intelligence professionals?

Calof4Competitive Intelligence professionals established a list of competencies and a Body of Knowledge in the 90s, which was updated in 2008 and 2019-20. However, the changing world demands new skills and competencies from CI professionals, such as knowledge of online tools, data analysis, artificial intelligence, cultural intelligence, and open-source intelligence. The CI Body of Knowledge needs to integrate these new skills while maintaining existing competencies in analysis, planning, collection, communication, and management.

What is your understanding of the current status of CI?

Calof7You're asking me really good question, because a lot of people would answer this purely from the CI practitioner’s perspective. But, the competitive intelligence ecosystem includes universities, organizations offering conferences and workshops, associations setting up standards, and governments as both users and collaborators. The SLA CI division is the second fastest-growing group within SLA, and there is a growing cadre of professors teaching CI. The Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business is an established academic journal. Advertisements for CI positions have grown, and demand for the skill set is high. Consulting firms have remained stable, while governments have shifted focus towards foresight and away from competitive intelligence.

What is the future of CI?

Calof9CI is experiencing decline in many areas, but there is growing interest in related disciplines. Working with foresight and insights groups could lead to growth opportunities, as organizations seek to understand what's happening outside their four walls. Collaboration and seeking out similar partners is recommended to adapt and thrive in the changing landscape.

CalofDr. Jonathan Calof has been involved with trade shows for most of his life starting with staffing booths, building booths and later running event intelligence missions. He is a noted columnist on event intelligence and has authored and coauthored several books. Jonathan is the UNESCO Co-chair of Anticipatory Systems for Innovation and New Ventures and a full professor at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. 

ici miniThe Ins­titute for Compe­titive Intel­ligence was foun­ded in 2004 to provide pro­fes­sio­nals with a solid and flexi­ble compe­ti­tive intel­ligence trai­ning program to become a cer­ti­fied Compe­titive Intel­ligence Pro­fessio­nal.
The Institute for Competitive Intelligence offers conferences, workshops and certifications and covers a wide range of topics from competitive and market intelligence to foresight, open source intelligence, patent intelligence, Technology intelligence, strategic intelligence, counter intelligence and much more. Within our conferences we regularly cover CI related fields, tools, impulse speeches and best practices.

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