Gain your Competitive Intelligence Certificate on a part-time basis


In the past few years, the competitive environment has changed radically in all industry sectors. In order to keep pace with the changes, and to be one step ahead of the competition, the collec­tion and analysis of competitive information is be­coming increasingly important.

Yet, according to an empirical survey supported by the Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI)1, 80% of German companies don't conduct competitive analyses at all, or only in a rudimentary way! One reason for this is the lack of education and further training for professional market and competitive analysts. In a survey of CI-Professionals2, only 10% of those questioned specified that they had a formal Competitive Intelligence education - nearly 50% of Competitive Intelligence Profes­sionals received their training "on the job".

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence (ICI) was established in 2004 to provide post-graduate professionals specific Competitive Intelligence know-how on a part-time basis. The rising demand for our Com­petitive-Intelligence-Professional-Certificate con­firms the need for this qualification. Our attendees come from many different industry sectors and work in diverse internal functions (cf. about us).

We hope to welcome you soon, as an attendee of our courses.


Rainer Michaeli




1 Cf. Michaeli R (2005) Competitive Intelligence, Springer Ver­lag Heidelberg
2 Ashton B (2003) New Sources and Methods for Com­petitive In­telligence. Presen­tation SCIP Annual Confer­ence, March 14, Anaheim, CA

Dipl.-Ing, MBA Rainer Michaeli

Director of the Institute for Competitive Intelligence

Managing Partner

Board member of SCIP (Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals) 2003-2005

Board Deutsches Competitive Intelligence Forum e.V.

Competitive Intelligence,
University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and Anhalt

What is Competitive Intelli­gence?
"Competitive Intelligence" (CI) is the process of transforming fragmented in­formation on companies, industries and markets into actionable knowledge on the position, capability and intentions of mar­ket attendees. This know-how is the ba­sis for strategic and tactical corporate planning- and management.

Established knowledge on future market trends, competitor activities and techno­logical developments has become the most important asset of businesses to­day. Through systematic surveys and professional analysis of relevant informa­tion from primary and secondary sources, a foundation for corporate success can be laid.

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