
Best Practices in Online Conferencing: the Bar-camp

Pnline Barcamp

The Institute for Competitive Intelligence strives for excellence in everything we do. This includes finding new and innovative formats for networking events for our online conferences. Since 2015, we’ve organized five on-site and four online unconference/bar-camp sessions. In 2021, we introduced a new online bar-camp format. In this article, I’ll outline the cornerstones for how to create an engaging and lively event that challenges the mindsets of the attendees and supports knowledge sharing in its best way.

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ICI Battle: Smart Tools for Effective CI/MI

Favorite tools for Competitive/Market Intelligence 2021

Many CI/MI professionals struggle to get their job done – given the high complexity and a heavy workload!
The good news is that there are many smart tools for supporting individuals to automate MI/CI routine jobs or for extending the number of tasks that individuals can handle.

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